It was my fourth job in four years. Since leaving Google, where I had built and led the marketing team that created and launched Google play, I had stumbled from one company to another each time unable to find myself or my purpose. After 10 years in Silicon Valley and in my late 40s, I had hit a wall.
For the first time in my life, I simply didn’t know which way to turn, and after more than 20 years managing and building marketing teams, I came to a frightening conclusion:
What had made me so successful so far simply didn’t work anymore. I was lost. At 47 years of age, I needed to reinvent myself and find meaning and purpose. The question was how? So I hired a coach and spent the next 9 months on a profound journey to find my purpose, reevaluate my values and figure out what was next in my life. It was during this time that I finally found what really gave me meaning and joy:

And with that came a whole new chapter in my life. I found coaching and coaching found me. I trained at the Coach Training Institute in California, got my first clients, and began helping startup founders and seasoned executives face and overcome the same challenges I had faced during my career.
But finding my purpose and making a massive career change wouldn’t be the only changes I would make that year.
In 2018 my ex-wife decided to return to her home in Chile and I decided to move 6,000 miles away to start a whole new chapter in Santiago to honor my value of being a “good father” and to be there for my children.
My parents, family and friends thought I was crazy to move to the other end of the world and give up my network, business and reputation to live in one of the most remote countries in the world.
But as someone who had moved 32 times across 11 countries, changed industries 6 times and thrived on constant change, where others saw risk, I saw opportunity – after all, how many people living in Chile had my experience and had traveled and seen the world?
With no business connections, little money and no coaching experience in Chile, I arrived in Santiago and started a new company called LEAP as a way of helping Latin American companies reinvent themselves.
The aim was to create a coaching philosophy and approach to turbo-charge their leadership and create cultures that empower employees to do work that gives them meaning and purpose.
Today, nearly 4 years later, LEAP’s clients are among the CEOs and founders of some of the most successful startups in Latin America as well as corporate titans including:
Falabella, Walmart, Scotiabank, Banco Bice, Banco Consorcio, Betterfly, Xepeline, NEC, Simpliroute, TIMining, Talana and Tanica, just to name a few.
As if all of this wasn’t challenging enough, I also started to work as a motivational speaker focused on the importance of change, leadership and high performance teams for companies across the region: All of this in Spanish of course.
Finally, during Covid, while I was confined to my apartment for 6 months unable to go outside, I decided that I had to find a way to bring all my experience, tools and crazy stories to the world in a way that would be interesting, entertaining and useful to the millions of people unable to benefit from coaching. With that, my new book, STEP Back and LEAP, was born and went on sale this year earning rave reviews.
Most importantly, I feel like I’m doing work that is in line with my purpose, fills me with meaning and is making a difference at a very delicate time in the world where society and business are experiencing unparalleled and brutal change.
Change is often unpredictable, difficult and scary but as I’m always fond of saying:

Purpose Driven
- Make tough decisions
- Higher and manage great people
- Achieve a healthy work-life balance
- Create awareness of what’s possible
- Inspire with powerful stories
- Provide actionable tools
Purpose Driven
- Define your purpose and values
- Uncover your zones of genius
- Write the next chapter of your career